Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Resize Ext3 partition Linux VM on Citrix Xen

" Research time ..everyday try to compile what you learn..."

Sometime when you create a VM in a Virtual Enviroment (Citrix Xen or VMware), you assign certain amount of disk space and then you realize that you need more. Resizing a partition is not a easy task, since there is a lot of concern when there is data already stored. Moreover, Resizing a boot partition will require to shutdown the server and boot with CD in rescue mode. Well if you are shutting down your server it would be easier to just create a new VM with the size that you want. But what about non-boot partitions? On virtual environments this task is easy and it can be performed while the machine is on.

The following process shows you how to resize partitions on Citrix Xen however I am pretty sure that you can also use it on VMWARE.

First, you have to umount the partitions that requires to be resized.

# umount /data

Go to Storage tab on XenCenter for the machine that you want to resize filesystem.

hard drive
Size and location : Change Size

hard drive
Now we have the device resize but the filesystem is still the same size.
Now I suggest to make a Filesystem check in  your partition on that device

# fsck -n /dev/xvdb1

Now the partition is clean but it is still using Ext3. Ext3 can not be resize but ext2 can. So we need to convert the partition ext3 to ext2. The conversion is basically done disabling journal on ext3.

# tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/xvdb1

Now we need to make another filesystem check on ext2 format.

# e2fsck -f /dev/xvdb1

This is the scary part you will have to delete the partition, however do not worry you are not going to lose the data. Basically you are making sure the partition table is updated with the new size.

# fdisk /dev/xvdb    (Remember fdisk is on devices no partitions)

Delete partition /dev/xvdb1 and create it again with the new size.

Then do a filesystem check to make sure that everything is running smooth.

# fsck -n /dev/xvdb1

Then run the resize command so ext2 knows about the size of the partition.

# resize2fs /dev/xvdb1

Finally, you need to turn on journal and mount the partition.

This command turns the partition ext3

#tune2fs -j /dev/xvdb1

#mount /dev/xvdb1 /data

Enjoy it !!!!!

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